Thursday, April 9, 2009


This is Tucker my loving cat who would do anything for me. Even try to catch a mouse for me. I wanted to tell you about this story my friend told me about Tucker. Tucker is a little chubby. However he hasn't gained much weight since he has been with me.
Tucker saw a mouse in the field in the field and took pursuit of that mouse. My friend sat back and watched Tucker trying to catch this mouse. The mouse was about 3 feet in front of Tucker and my friend sat their and watched Tucker saying silently to himself "Go Tucker get that Mouse." However Tucker was getting really ticked off. He was not getting any closer. He kept chasing, and that mouse kept getting farther away finally Tucker gave up after 5 minutes of pursuit. As you can probably guess Tucker was mad. He walked away with a disgusted "Garfield" look on his face. My friend said, "It was the funniest expression he had seen from a cat, and especially from Tucker.
Getting in the head of a cat is a funny thing to do. Just seeing thier expressions, the way they walk, and their overall appearance says it all. CATS ARE GREAT!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

mOm AnD bEiNg A mOm!

Moms! Wow! What a powerful word. I have step-son living with Neill and I. Having Dustin live with us has brought around experiences I would have never known about.
School clothes, book orders, girl friends (they think)
school supplies, chores at home, allowance
I honestly had know idea how expensive kids were ESPECIALLY TO FEED!!!!!
I want everyone out there to know how long I have
waited to be a mother. The time is finally here
and I hope I don't screw it up. It is such a
BIG responsibilty. I HAVE ONE OF
Does anyone else out there get scared that they are responsible for Heavenly Fathers children. It is such a big responibility. I want to do my very best to get these children back to HIM.

I love these children with all my heart and I want to do my very best to help them get back to Heavenly Father. I hope I can be a great mother to Dustin and a good example. Everyone have a great day. Love you all.
