Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christmas Miracles

This last week at school I had a Christmas Miracle happen to me. I had been out with pneumonia, and was very stressed out about Christmas. I didn't know how I was going to get Christmas for my Step-kids. Neill had been out of work, and I had no HOPE. I didn't even use the word "hope" in my vocabulary, because everytime I did my "hope" was squashed again.

I went to work on Wed., and found a jar sitting on my desk it was in a Christmas bag. I pulled it out, and it was full of money. It had a book in it called the "Christmas Jar." After counting all of it their was $200 in it. The next day I went and found $100 more dollars in an envelope. We were able to buy Christmas for our kids, and something nice for ourselves. I will never forget that Christmas Jar that we received on Wed. I think my Heavenly Father was watching out for me through people who care for Neill and I. Maybe "hope" isn't such a bad thing to have. Merry Christmas everyone, and have a Happy Holiday.


Saturday, December 5, 2009

Pets and the Holidays

Well, this is Snowflake and Tucker. Every year they get their picture taken, and decorated for the holiday season. Needless to say it isn't their most favorite time of the year.
Tucker looks very stunning and is displaying his neck wreath quite well I might add.

Snowflake doesn't like her neck wreath AT ALL. However, it does make her look very cute. Tucker just puts up with it.
We are moved to Pocatello which is very hard on both of them since they are now indoor cats once again. We also live in a much smaller place. So they tend to get on each others nerves quite a bit more.
If you don't have children living with you pets become your life. They have quite the personalities, and they let you know exactly how they feel about things. They know if your sad. They know when your happy. They know your emotions and love you know matter what.
Christmas is my favorite time of year. I love looking at the lights and seeing the decorations. It's just a happy season, and most of all it reminds me of Christ, and what I need to do to COME UNTO HIM. I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season.

Saturday, November 28, 2009

TRIALS "Are they for our own good?"

Well, Neill and I have moved to Pocatello now. We are in a great ward. We are in the Highland 6th Ward. Neill is still looking for a job, but it will come. I finally got the apartment decorated, and it feels like home. However, there are still lots of boxes to unpack, and a storage unit to rent.

I am just trying to read my scriptures, say my prayers, and do the things that I am supposed to do. I keep hoping that by doing these things life in general will get better. Finances always seem to be a problem, I never do anything right, and I feel trapped. Does anyone else have rough days or bad days, because it's right after Thanksgiving, and I am supposed to be thankful. I guess I am thankful that my mom, dad, and Shelley are safe and okay, and not hurt from the near fire in their house. I am thankful that I have a roof over my head, and a job. I am thankful for my Heavenly Father and Savior and for the knowledge of the Gospel. I guess in my down time I need to remember the things I am thankful for.

Everyone have a great Christmas Season.

Emily :)

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Drawing Closer To The Savior

I've been doing a lot of thinking and contemplating on how I could come closer to God and my Savior. Many things have happened since my last post. Neill was laid off from work, so Neill and I are going to move to Pocatello where I can be closer to my job. We are apartment hunting right now, which is coming along , but nevertheless tiring.

I have been worrying about how to pay bills, how to survive, and how to get to work. During all of this worrying I finally realized I was worrying about the wrong things. I needed to start focusing on my relationship w/my Heavenly Father. I started reading a book by Elder Eyring called "To Draw Closer To God." I was reading a Chapter called "Come Unto Christ." This is a quote from the book:

"I have one other plea, one other hope for you: don't' ignore the impulses that come to you to rise above yourself into a higher and more beautiful word. Growing up, getting educated, seeing the world, and almost everything that happens to you will push to toward saying to yourself: "Oh, that was just a dream. That's not possible. I could never change that much." You can. The Savior promised, "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." He can and he will. I bear you my testimony that you can ivite the Holy Ghost into your life, and because you have been promised that gift by authorized servants of God, he will come. I bear testiony that you can be cleansed by the power of the Atonement. The yearning you've felt for something better is a yearning to come unto Christ. This promise in section 19 of the Doctrine and Covenants is true: "Learn of me, and listen to my words; walk in the meekness of my Spirit, and you shall have peace in me." (D&C 19:23) pg. 59

I finally felt like my Heavenly Father was listening to me. His servant was speaking to me indivdually. I don't know what is in store for me, but I know my Heavenly Father is listening to me and I am very grateful I am not in this alone in this world. I will keep everyone updated on what is going on in our lives, and if you need a good book to read "To Draw Closer To God" by Henry B. Eyring is a great book.

Emily :)

Friday, October 9, 2009

Parent Teacher Conference

This was a "bear" of a week. I only had to teach school for three days, however, it was the two 12 hour day of parent teacher conferences that wore me out. As teachers we chose to work until 8 p.m. on Wed. night after a full day of school, and then to work a full 12 hours on Thursday so we could have Friday off.

I commute 30 min. each way so it makes you that much more tired because you can't arrive home in 3-5 min. However, it was worth those two days to have a day off. I discovered what it felt like to be so tired you just fell into bed. I already knew that feeling, but it was magnified by two times.

I am so thankful I am in a profession that I enjoy most of the time. Neill, he goes to work everyday, be it night, or the day, and he works hard. It definately is not his favorite job, but he does it to bring in money, and because he loves me. I love my husband so much. I am so greatful for his willingness to work and to work hard. Neill, "Thank you! I love you, and appreciate all you do for our family." It is wonderful to have a spouse that you can be thankful for.

I will keep you updated, but so far, life is going along, and it is getting COLD!!!

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Life in the FFaaasssttt Laaanne

This is one of my favorite pictures. Family is so important, and it is the only thing that has gotten me through so far this year and in my life. I have gone back to school teaching this year, and I am teaching at two schools this year. One in the morning and one in the afternoon. It really keeps you hopping, that is for sure. School starts at 8:00 at my first school. I am a Special Ed. Teacher and I work with the Kindergarten kids and 1st graders. I leave my first school at 11:00 and get to my next school at about 11:15 (that will change in the winter). I start seeing my 3rd graders at 12:00. So I have a fast lunch, and make sure that I am ready and prepared for when they come to my class. At this school I see 3rd grade, Kindergarten, and 2nd grade.

Neill has a new job too. He is working at Basic American doing all different kinds of things. It's rough, because it is shift work, and he works some days, some nights, and it is 12 hrs. straight.
It's nice in a way though because he is working in Blackfoot. I sure do love him for taking on that job.

It seems like I can get so caught up in life that I forget the important things sometimes. It seems as if the days run together. Neill and I might not see each other for a day, and the next thing you know it seems like I'm running in one direction and he is running in the other. The thing I need to remember is to slow down and enjoy the journey. Take time to enjoy the people around you. The things that really count in your life like family (Husbands, parents, brothers and sisters on both sides of family). As I rush through the day trying to get from here to there I forget to take a moment and thank Heavenly Father for Neill and that the car is working, and that the sun is shining, or that there is no snow on the ground to contend with yet.

Sometimes I, and maybe some of you get caught in the FAST LANE. We have jobs we have to do to make a living, but I am going to try not to make that my life. I am going to strive harder to spend time with the people that really count, and the people I love.

Sometimes while writing this Blog I am able to ponder and see what I need to do in my own life, and other times it is a fun and exciting story. I hope things are going well for all of you out there.
Take some time out of your busy life and spend it with some loved ones. See how it makes you feel and them.


Emily :)


This is my cat Tucker. He brings a lot of pleasure to me for sure. However, I let him go out and play in the yard quite frequently. However, he doesn't just stay in the yard. We have a pen of cows and a couple of bulls next door eating off the grass. There is one BULL, we (our friend John, Neill, and I) we think he was the runt of the "cows/bulls" that year. Tucker seems to like things Bigger than him, and the neat thing about it is I don't think he realizes they are bigger than him. Our friend John was driving down the lane one day and he looked in the pasture, and Tucker was sitting on the back of that BULL. He had to look twice. The Bull just let him. They just sat together for one hour as he watched. then Tucker jumped off the back of the Bull.

The next day John was driving down the lane again, and he saw this Bull trotting along behind something. He wasn't quite sure of what it was until he got out of his truck and looked, and sure enough, Tucker and the Bull were playing chase, or Catch me if you Can. The Bull would trot behind Tucker for a little while, and then they would change and Tucker would chase the Bull and trot after him at the same pace.

You know we can learn a lot from animals. Tucker and apparently this Bull didn't care that each of them were different and of a different size, or a different kind of animal. All they knew is that they had fun together. They didn't care what we thought even though we found it quite humorous a Cat playing with a Bull and vice versa.

I think as group of people we just need to take each other for who we are. That we are Heavenly Father's Children and be happy with that and not worry about all the little stuff. I could go on for probably another page about the horses Tucker plays with etc. I've learned a lot from my cats in a very humbling and humerous way. Hopefully we can all be less judging of our Heavenly Father's children and creatures.

Everyone have a great day!!


Thursday, April 9, 2009


This is Tucker my loving cat who would do anything for me. Even try to catch a mouse for me. I wanted to tell you about this story my friend told me about Tucker. Tucker is a little chubby. However he hasn't gained much weight since he has been with me.
Tucker saw a mouse in the field in the field and took pursuit of that mouse. My friend sat back and watched Tucker trying to catch this mouse. The mouse was about 3 feet in front of Tucker and my friend sat their and watched Tucker saying silently to himself "Go Tucker get that Mouse." However Tucker was getting really ticked off. He was not getting any closer. He kept chasing, and that mouse kept getting farther away finally Tucker gave up after 5 minutes of pursuit. As you can probably guess Tucker was mad. He walked away with a disgusted "Garfield" look on his face. My friend said, "It was the funniest expression he had seen from a cat, and especially from Tucker.
Getting in the head of a cat is a funny thing to do. Just seeing thier expressions, the way they walk, and their overall appearance says it all. CATS ARE GREAT!

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

mOm AnD bEiNg A mOm!

Moms! Wow! What a powerful word. I have step-son living with Neill and I. Having Dustin live with us has brought around experiences I would have never known about.
School clothes, book orders, girl friends (they think)
school supplies, chores at home, allowance
I honestly had know idea how expensive kids were ESPECIALLY TO FEED!!!!!
I want everyone out there to know how long I have
waited to be a mother. The time is finally here
and I hope I don't screw it up. It is such a
BIG responsibilty. I HAVE ONE OF
Does anyone else out there get scared that they are responsible for Heavenly Fathers children. It is such a big responibility. I want to do my very best to get these children back to HIM.

I love these children with all my heart and I want to do my very best to help them get back to Heavenly Father. I hope I can be a great mother to Dustin and a good example. Everyone have a great day. Love you all.


Sunday, March 22, 2009

KIds, SICkNEss, and EVeryTHIng ELse!!!

This is my step son Dustin. He is living with us now which is going quite well. However, this week was FLU WEEK in our house!!
I got the first. It consisted of everything. Puking, diariah, body aches, headaches and everything else you can imagine. It was awful.
I am learning quite a bit raising an 11 year old boy. Know that I am in charge of one of Heavenly Fathers children makes me so nervous, but very honored. I think now. We need to have Home Evening, Family Prayer, Scripture Study, we need to make sure we have a homework time, a reading time a decent bedtime. AHHHHHHHHHH! My head is going to explode. I CAN DO THIS. I'M RESPONSIBLE. JUST NEED TO KEEP TELLING MYSELF THIS. I CAN DO THIS! I CAN DO THIS!!! HAVE A GREAT WEEK EVERYBODY !!

Monday, March 9, 2009

WhAt COuLd Be BeTtEr ThAn KiDs!!!!

Kids, Kids, Kids! I love kids! I ended up having kids without having kids. I am around kids all day long. I am going to be coming home to a child now which to me is very exciting. What a blessing to have children.
My cats have been my children most of my life, but to actually have children. What a change. What a special gift my Heavenly Father gave to me. Or Is It?!!?!?!?!?!?!!
Well this is the end of my wonderful thoughts today. Have a great and wonderful day for the rest of the week.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Sick and Tired!!

Well, Well, Well, how are all of you doing this wonderful day. It is Friday! That is saying something wonderful! This is my cat Tucker. I put him on my page today because I wanted to remind me of something cute, kind of funny, and something totally relaxing. You see, I have pneumonia. I'm stuck at home (very gratefully!!) but feel very sick. This is why I picked this picture. Tucker is one of those laid back cats that doesn't care about anything.

Wouldn't that be a wonderful gift to not worry and take things one day at a time. I think that would be a precious gift. I seem to worry quite a lot. To know what was important to worry about and what not to worry about would be a great gift.

Maybe that is the test. To know that worrying isn't part of our Heavenly Fathers plan, but having Faith is a part of our Heavenly Father's plan. Have a great day, and stay well.


Sunday, February 22, 2009

A Wonderful Family

I don't know how many of you have met my family, but this is my family. Neill and I are in the back. Becky is on the left and Sydney is on the right. Jacob is on the left and Dustin is on the right front.
My family is great. I didn't think I would ever have this opportunity, but it came around in a different sort of way. I love my Heavenly Father so much. He has blessed me greatly.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Kids Say the Darndest Things!

As I have been teaching in school all week I have had some kids tell me some of the darndest things. I have a little first grader that has Down Syndrome. She is the cutest little girl. She came to my class and as we were walking to my classroom she said, "Mrs. Thomson last night I pluked on the floor and I pluked on the door knob, and I pluked in front of the toilet but I pluked in the garbage can." I just tried not to laugh. She was trying to say that she puked, but she could not say that. Instead she could only say she pluked. Then I had the same little girl and another little 1st grader. I was teaching the rule "when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking." The girls chanted it very cutely and then I asked one girl to go get the books for reading time. She got the two books and put them in front of each other. She said, "when two books go walking the first book does the talking" in a very high pitched girly tone. It was a very interesting week when "kids said the darndest things."

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tired and Ready for Bed!

Today has been quite the day. I have these 2nd graders that have so much energy that they just can't calm down. They are wired to say the least. We were playing a game with word wall words today. With the 2nd graders I was working on my compurter and one of them came over and said to me "Mrs. Thomson you need to take a break! Working so hard on all of this paper work is going to drive you nuts."

Needless to say I am home working on paperwork trying to catch up and trying to stay ahead of the game. Anyway, have a great night. I am going to bed.